Monday, May 29, 2006



Well, I am now trying to learn a very new language for me... C++.

Let's make this clear: the notion of programming language has acquired a very new meaning in the last 10-15 years and now means much more than merely a language (which is more or less set of rules how to formally lay down the algorithm, like a human language is a way to semi-formally express one's thoughts). Rather, programming language must also have certain standard libraries, or standard bindings for number of important things such that:

and many more items like that.

Moreover, a language is to include some minimal native datatypes, such that arrays, lists, associative lists, etc.

In this sense, neither plain C or C++ are languages till we attach to them required libraries; one such library is GNU libc, which includes most, if not all, of items listed above.

Still, C+GNU libc is not a language since it does not possess all required datatypes which are either native or standard. That means that virtually any not-completely-trivial programming job in C must begin with writing some "utility" functions (such as expandable arrays) or at least adopting some 3rd-party external library. Good explanation of this problem with C (suggesting C++ as a better choice) could be seen here.

In this respect, C++ does possess a uniques feature that C does not: STL. (C++)+GNU libc+STL can be qualified as full-featured language and as such compared with Python, OCaml, Java, .NET, Haskell and other popular systems.

One immediate trouble that must be mentioned is the lack of central Internet resource documenting this (complete) language. Here is a list of most important resources available:

So, what do I think of C++ as a language?

Well, I am not impressed.

Very brief list of main problems I see is:

Of course, C++ does have certain advantages over other systems (e.g. usable debugger and calling C functions with ease) but that perhaps should be a subject of another post...

UPD. Found more C++ documentation, including the ISO standard as 776-page PDF file, here.

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