Friday, February 27, 2009


ls color

Modern Linux distributions are smart enough to support colored "ls" output and even enable that by default, but stupid enough not to adjust it in any way to current terminal color scheme. Default built-in colors "kind of work" for a black-on-white terminal, but should you try to make even small adjustment, some file types quickly become completely unreadable.

At the same time, procedure to customize these colors, while not complicated, is rather poorly documented.

Here are a few simple steps to follow;

  1. Execute command "dircolors > ~/.dircolors";
  2. Generated file "~/.dircolors" is self-documented, customize it to your liking;
  3. Add these lines to your ~/.bashrc file or equivalent:
    if [ -f ~/.dircolors ]; then
       eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors)

That's it!

P.S. You can also disable color output altogether by doing "unalias ls".


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Debian 5 Lemmy

Tried installing new Debian version, just released.

Looks fine, except that it does seem slow (but my impression might be subjective), and there are number of points to be taken into account when using as VMware guest under VMware 6.5 (the latest versions as of now):

See also earlier post regarding installing VMware tools under Debian 4.

It seems like that few problems mentioned above notwithstanding, overall process has become simler, e.g. there is no longer any need to manually specify location of Linux headers (though you still must install them manually), mouse wheel works "out of the box", etc.

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